Monsanto-Funded Glyphosate Study Pleased to Inform the
World That Glyphosate Is Completely Safe
By Kurtis Bright
Thanks For Clearing That Up, Monsanto
They just won’t give up, will they?
Once again Monsanto is in the news, and this time it isn’t
about their proposed merger with Bayer, a troubling enough development to
anyone who thinks food and the means to feed ourselves shouldn’t be controlled
by a half-dozen chemical corporations.
And weirdly the news isn’t about their genetically modified
seeds either, the seeds that the rural people of India call “suicide seeds” due
to the rate at which impoverished farmers in hock to the corporation because of
their usurious patent fees kill themselves.
For once it isn’t even about their lawyers continuing to
avoid the corporation’s culpability in the poisoning of millions of acres of
U.S. wetlands and waterways with their PCB chemical runoff.
No, Monsanto is in the news this time around due to
something they actually want to see in the news--which is there thanks no doubt
to their massive PR department. The chemical concern-turned-seed-company
recently made headlines due to the release of a study that has shown that
glyphosate, the active ingredient in their signature herbicide Roundup has been
determined to be perfectly safe.
If you’re wondering why that doesn’t sound quite right,
given that the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm found that
glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, or because you’re aware of the mounting
evidence that keeps piling up indicating that glyphosate is largely responsible
for the massive bee die-offs of recent years, well, you wouldn’t be alone in
your confusion.
What you should probably know is that Monsanto funded the
research and paid the scientists who reached this conclusion, so there’s that.
Miracle of miracles, they sided with Monsanto’s long-time
Of course disclosing their financial interest in the results
isn’t something Monsanto’s pet scientists felt compelled to do, at least not in
any clear, transparent way. Published in Critical Reviews in Toxicology,
the study conveniently didn’t mention these blatant industry ties until the
very end of the article, in an obscurant “Declaration of Interests.”
And those confessions were anything but candid. In part:
“ should be recognized that each individual
participated in the review process and preparation of this paper as an
independent professional and not as a representative of their employer.”
And who are those employers? Well you’d have to read on to
find the Monsanto name on there. But at any rate, how big-hearted, how
clear-eyed and objective of them to dig deep and find their independence while
working on this study--despite living in homes paid for by Monsanto, sending
their kids to high-end schools financed by Monsanto, and eating food put on the
table by their Monsanto paychecks.
And in case you didn’t take the point about how liberated
the scientists were from the constraints of pleasing their bosses in their day
jobs, there were multiple, prominent
references to the “independence” of the study’s authors, a curious use
of the word to say the least.
And this “independent” study couldn’t have been released at
a better time for Monsanto, as the company attempts to justify its sale to
Bayer. Given the current ongoing cultural context of glyphosate being found in
more and more consumer products, including baby food, wine, beer and oatmeal,
and more and more people questioning GMO farming versus organic methods, and
expressing an overwhelming preference not to eat these chemicals, Monsanto
could be viewed as somewhat desperate to make sure the deal goes through.
But another place the company has found more of that
much-vaunted “independent” corroboration that glyphosate is as safe as mother’s
milk is at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Recently the EPA announced
that it would be holding a four-day open forum with public meetings to address
citizen concerns over the cancer risk of glyphosate.
Luckily, just to keep things crystal clear, the agency’s
Office of Pesticide Programs was able to reach the conclusion that glyphosate
is “...not likely to be carcinogenic to humans at doses relevant to human
health risk assessment” just before the hearings began.
Such a convenient “independent” conclusion to come to for
both Monsanto and the EPA, especially given that the EPA is complicit in
allowing billions of pounds of glyphosate to be dispersed all over the planet
over the course of the last 20 years.
Imagine how ashamed they would be if some independent study
were to find that glyphosate causes cancer.
Oh, wait. That already
happened, and neither entity has shown the least scrap of shame.
But then that’s one of the traits of great liars: their
inability to be ashamed of what they’ve done.
When the government agency in charge of protecting people
from corporate poisons is providing cover for those same corporations, we’re no
longer living in a liberal democracy nor even a free-market capitalist society.
That is what you call fascism (from Wikipedia):
“Fascist economics supported a state-controlled economy that
accepted a mix of private and public ownership over the means of production.
Economic planning was applied to both the public and private sector, and
the prosperity of private enterprise depended on its acceptance of
synchronizing itself with the economic goals of the state. Fascist
economic ideology supported the profit motive but emphasized that industries
must uphold the national interest as superior to private profit.”
The only difference between the economic side of this
neo-fascism and that of pre-World War II Italy and Germany is that back then,
the state called the shots and controlled the corporations.
Today the corporations control the state.
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